Flutter for beginners tutorial and flutter developer salary in 2020

Hey Programmers! Today, in this article I will be going to tell you:

  • What is Flutter?
  • Flutter for beginners
  • Flutter tutorial
  • Flutter developer salary

1. What is Flutter?

Flutter is a mobile SDK (Software Development Kit) to develop android and ios applications with a single code base. It is a framework, not a programming language. It is developed by Google. It was released in May 2017. You can also create Web Applications, Desktop Applications and it will also be used for creating applications for Google Fushia OS in the future. The most loving thing for flutter is its hot reloading feature because it runs on the C++ Engine and you also know that C++ is known for its speed. Flutter uses Dart as a Programming Language. Dart is a new Programming Language so, it is not so familiar to most of the programmers while Dart is an easy language to learn with object-oriented programming and you can also learn dart as your first programming language.

2. Flutter for beginners

If you are a beginner and want to start developing android and ios applications using flutter so, yes it's your right choice because flutter is very easy to learn as well as it uses Dart as a Programming Language which uses the C Style Syntax. For now, flutter is not very ordinary and there are not worthy tutorials on it but in the future, every mobile phone will also have flutter applications. So, before learning flutter you should also have a piece of basic or advance knowledge on Dart Programming Language because without learning Dart you will not be able to create the functional android and ios applications.

3. Flutter Tutorial

As a new framework, flutter has no worthy tutorials on the internet but I am familiar with one of them which is worthy. Flutter Tutorial, go to this link and enroll that course and I am pretty sure that you will be the most successful flutter programmer after watching that course.

4. Flutter developer salary

Now came the turn of the most asked question, what is the average salary for a flutter developer. Now, as a popular framework flutter has a big salary package and most of the companies are hiring developers for USD $85k - $162k. It is a big salary package for a beginner which is new to this field.

So at last, I want to say that Flutter is a very good framework and every beginner should try it and I hope you like this article so keep supporting igr and be igr.